
Disaster Management

The District Disaster Management Plan (DDMP) outlining the measure to be taken in the event of any natural or man-made disaster during the year 2009-2010 has been prepared on the past experiences. The DDMP includes the facts and figures that have been collected from various sources with a view to meet the challenges during any Natural Disaster.
Vulnerability of the Kathua District towards disasters, both natural and man- made, is widely recognized. The district is vulnerable towards natural disasters like; floods, droughts, earthquakes, fire accidents, Avalanches, Cross border shelling/ firing, etc
Losses caused by disasters continue to mount year after year. The need for an effective disaster management strategy to lessen disaster impact is being felt in many quarters and also for strengthening of organizational structure for disaster management. Along with, regular updating of Codes/Manual/Disaster Plans on the basis of experience gained and technological developments should be done. It was felt that the generic categorization of disasters would help in preparing disaster management plans. This generic categorization of disasters is in no way intended to disturb handling of specific disasters by various departments. Precise actions,
procedures and responsibilities have to be laid down well in advance in order to ensure timely response in case of any disaster. Therefore, a mechanism that takes into account multiple hazards and basic preparedness has to be articulated in the form of Quick Response Teams, Quick Assessment Teams, Reporting Procedures, Checklist and Handbooks. The mechanism also lays down crucial parameters, requirements and organizational composition of Emergency Operations Centers and Incident Command Systems.
The Disaster Management Plans have been formulated starting from the village level up to the district level. The plan clearly indicates the role and responsibility of each player of the team. The Sarpanch/Lambardars/ Chokidars and prominent persons of the village are the key player at the ground level and the Community with guidance
of Community Disaster Management committee formulates and carries out this plan in the village level. Civil society organisations also play a vital role during the implementation of this plan in the field..
Disaster Management Plan (PDF, 683 KB)

Heat Wave Action Plan, 2024(PDF, 683 KB)