
Rural Development

Jammu and Kashmir Government is committed to provide a transparent, clean and responsive administration to the people of state who are its citizens. The Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj is responsible for implementing Poverty Alleviation Programmes and other Socio-Economic developmental schemes for rural upliftment and for strengthening institutions of local self government i.e. Panchayats. The objective of Rural Development is to provide responsive, accountable, transparent and people friendly administration. To achieve this objective the department of Rural Development is endeavoring to:-

  • Generate employment opportunities by way of implementing various employment generation schemes.
  • Provide rural infrastructure i.e. rural roads, school buildings, rural huts, paths, Lanes & Drains community Medical centres, Animal care centres, Common facility centres, tanks ponds etc.
  • Raise the standard of living in rural areas by ways of implementing poverty alleviation programmes effectively and efficiently.
  • Decentralize the process of planning by giving Panchayats liberty to administer their own matters at Panchayat level and at village level.
  • Promote peoples participation in the developmental process.
  • Capacity building by way of imparting training at various levels to the elected representatives and the officers and officials of the Department.
  • Bring Transparency and Accountability in administration by way of constituting vigilance cells in each district.
  • Devolution of Financial and Administrative powers to Panchayats.
  • Provide Information System and connect all Panchayats through NICs.
  • Provide healthy and clean environment by launching & implementing Total Sanitation campaign in all the Districts of the province.

Administrative Setup

The Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj is headed by Hon’ble Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj and Hon’ble Minister of State for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj who are assisted by Commissioner/Secretary or Secretary to Government Rural Development Department who is of the rank of IAS. Below him there are three Additional Secretaries of the rank of senior KAS and two Under Secretaries.

At the provincial level, the Directorate is headed by the Director Rural Dev. who is a major head of the Department in terms of Jammu and Kashmir Book of financial powers. The post is held by senior KAS/IAS officers. He exercises the administrative and the financial control over the whole of the province and is assisted by Joint Director(Adm.), Deputy Director (Planning), Divisional Publicity Officer (Publicity), Accounts Officer, BDO(HQ) and other ministerial staff to carry out the day to day working in the Directorate. Besides Superintending Engineer REW is supporting in all technical matters related to work executions.

The Joint Director (Administration) provides assistance to the Director, Rural Development in all the Administrative matters. The assistance is provided on the issues pertaining to establishment, legal matters and also matters relating to disciplinary proceedings, complaints and other issues related to the Administration. He is also designated as the Departmental Vigilance Officer of the Department.

The Deputy Director (Planning) deals with the Planning process in respect of formulation of the plans at the provincial level and their submission to the Govt. for approval of the Planning and Development Department. He monitors the schemes being implemented in the field and provides necessary assistance to the Director Rural Development in effective implementation of the schemes.

The Divisional Publicity Officer (Publicity) assists Director, Rural Development in matters relating to the publicity of schemes and highlighting achievements.

The Block Development Officer (Headquarter) is the Incharge of the Cell established for the complaint disposal, grievances of disabled persons and other routine matter related to PR.

The Accounts Officer provides assistance to the Director, Rural Development in the field of financial/accounts matters. He is also the drawing and disbursing officer of the Directorate. He also formulates the budget and monitors the Non Plan expenditure.

The Directorate of Rural Development Jammu exercises control over the following six Districts namely:-

  1. Jammu
  2. Kathua
  3. Udhampur
  4. Rajouri
  5. Doda
  6. Poonch

Besides these 6 Districts, Government of J&K has recently carved out Four Additional Districts in Jammu province with their Headquarters at

  1. Samba
  2. Reasi
  3. Ramban
  4. Kishtwar

These four newly created Districts have resumed functioning w.e.f Ist of April, 2007.

The Directorate of Rural Development has units at the District/Block levels. There are 65 CD & NES Blocks functional in Jammu province, out of which 57 Blocks are recognized blocks and 8 blocks are unrecognized.
Besides that 82 block created as new administrative units by the government vide GO 222 and it comes at 148 blocks made functional including 82 new administrative units created by the government during the year 2014
At the District level, following officers are under the administrative control of the directorate of Rural Development, Jammu.

  1. Assistant Commissioner Development
  2. Assistant Project Director(PO), DRDA
  3. Executive Engineer, REW
  4. District Panchayat Officer

At the Block level, there is a Block Development Officer who is assisted by Block Planning Officer, Junior Engineers and other field functionaries like Panchayat Inspectors, V.L.Ws, Mukhi Savikas, Gram Savikas, and MPWs etc.

Assistant Commissioner Development

Assistant Commissioner Development releases the funds to the Block Development Officers for implementation of various works approved under the scheme by the District Development Boards/other competent authorities. Assistant Commissioner Development consolidates the District Plan on the basis of inputs received from the Block Development Officers. The District Plan compiled by him is submitted to the Directorate of Rural Development for technical vetting before it is considered by the District Development Board for approval in its meeting. ACD is competent to accord Administrative Approval of the works involving the estimated cost upto Rs.5.00 lacs in accordance with Govt.Order No.300-Agri of 1996 dated 06-06-1996.

Assistant Project Director (PO) District Rural Development Agency

In every district there is a District Rural Development Agency with District Development Commissioner as its Chairman and Additional District Development Commissioner as Project Director assisted by the Assistant Project Director DRDA who at present is exercising the over all Administrative and Financial control over the affairs of the Agency as well as the scheme SGSY implemented by the Block Development Officers.

Rural Engineering Wing

Govt has created the post of Superintending Engineer REW vide Govt Order No. 146 RD of 2006 Dated 17-05-2006 to make the engineering wing more effective for creating the quality assets and to give it more teeth.

In every district, there is a Rural Engineering Wing headed by the Executive Engineer who looks after the technical aspects of the execution of works. The Assistant Executive Engineers and Assistant Engineers posted in the district work under his control. He accords technical sanctions of the works involving estimated cost up to Rs.5.00 lacs and also accords test checks of works to ensure quality of works in the District. He is assisted by Junior Engineers and Work Supervisors at the Block/Panchayat level.

District Panchayat Officer

At the district level, the matters related to the Panchayats and Panchayat Property/assets are attended to by the District Panchayat Officer. He is assisted by Panchayat Auditor posted in the District. The District Panchayat Officer is also the Estates Officer of the Department and is implementing and supervising the Rural Sanitation Programme in the district. At the Block Level, such matters are supervised by the Block Development Officer assisted by the Panchayat Inspector and at the Panchayat Level there is a Secretary Panchayat (VLW, Gram Sevika, and MPW).The property of the Panchayats viz. Plantation Nurseries, Panchayat Ghars and other Panchayat Assets are supervised by the Plantation Supervisor/Plantation Watcher and Plantation Helpers.

Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), implemented by the BDOs at Block level is also being monitored by the District Panchayat Officers. The scheme is being implemented by Director, Rural Sanitation.

The District Panchayat Officer is the designated authority for implementation of various provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act.


At the Block Level, the Block Development Officers is responsible for formulation and implementation of Action Plans under various schemes through the field staff, which comprises of:

  1. Panchayat Inspector
  2. Junior Engineers
  3. Village Level Workers(VLWs)
  4. Mukhi Savikas/Gram Savikas.
  5. Multi Purpose Workers(MPWs)
  6. Plantation Supervisors/Watchers.
  7. Chowkidars.

Vital Information

Vital Information in respect of Rural Development Department (Jammu Division)

Particulars Jammu Samba Kathua Doda Kishtwar Reasi Ramban Udhampur Rajouri Poonch Total
No. of Blocks (Functional) 20 9 19 17 13 12 11 17 19 11 148
No. of Blocks (Un-functional) 0 0 0 5 5 6 1 5 5 2 29
Total 20 9 19 22 18 18 12 22 24 13 177
4. Sub Department(s) of Rural Development


This society has been constituted as a unit of the Rural Development Department to cater to the services of the District Rural Development Agencies (DRDAs) vis-à-vis procurement and supply of raw materials for DWACRA/TRYSEM beneficiaries and subsequently marketing of the finished products produced by them. The society started working since October, 1997. The office is located at 21/1 Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.


  • To identify the sources of equipment, supply of raw materials, machinery for the production of various items under IRDP/DWCRA/TRYSEM like clot, yarn, wool, cocoons, looms, spinning wheels, black smithy and carpentry items, agricultural implements, quality animals etc. and to make arrangements for procurement of the same.
  • To provide technical guidance and consultancy to DRDAs, and the beneficiaries with regard to the designing of different products, upgradation of skills and products and also about the market trends.
  • To help the DRDAs and beneficiaries in the marketing of the services or products so created to ensure maximum return to the beneficiaries.
  • To identify, generate, utilize and promote new modes and techniques of production relevant to the needs of the individual beneficiaries, groups and areas as well as the prevalent trends in the market.
  • To assist and advise the beneficiaries, groups of DRDAs and the Government in the formulation and implementation of policies, action plan and project profile for the alleviation of poverty.
  • To promote and establish pilot projects and programmes including demonstration units.
  • To coordinate and tie-up with similar other organizations/societies/agencies both Government and voluntary, engaged in income generation poverty alleviation programmes.
  • To initiate, support and promote field studies, surveys and research in the areas concerning production management techniques and market trends.
  • To organize periodic trainings refresher and orientation courses relevant to the above stated objectives.
  • To take any other steps which are relevant to the application, promotion and implementation of the above said objectives


There shall be a governing body of the society comprising of the following members:-

  1. Additional Chief Secretary (Planning & Development) -Chairman
  2. Commissioner/Secretary to Govt. Finance Department -Member
  3. Additional Chief Secretary Agriculture & Rural Development -Member
  4. Director Rural Development, Jammu -Member
  5. Director Agriculture, Jammu -Member
  6. Director Animal Husbandry, Jammu. -Member
  7. Director Sheep Husbandry, Jammu. -Member
  8. Director Horticulture, Jammu. -Member
  9. Director Industries, J&K. -Member
  10. Chief Executive of the Society (General Manager) -Member Secretary

This Governing Body shall be the supreme Managing Authority of the Society which shall give policy directions and exercise superintendence, control and supervision over the affairs of the society. The day to day affairs of the society shall be carried by the Chief Executive known as General Manager of the society.

Rural Development