
Search Results For : 12 оьян - 12 оьян - смотреть онлайн

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Awareness camp under Jan Abhiyan and ASCAD for Sheep and Goat breeders was held at Punjwari in District Kathua

An awareness camp under Jan abhiyan and ASCAD for sheep and goat breeders was held at Punjwari in Kathua block and Sallan in Dinga Amb blocks of Dt. Kathua, under the chairmanship of Sh Krishan Lal JKAS, Director Sheep Husbandry Deptt. Jammu.  More than 80 breeders participated and were made aware about the various ongoing […]

Enumeration and Survey of Migratory Tribal Population of District Kathua

Kathua, July 26: District Development Commissioner Kathua reviewed the progress regarding conduct of Enumeration and Survey of Nomadic/Migratory tribal population of District Kathua in a meeting held on 26.07.2021 in the conference hall of DC office Kathua. At the outset of the meeting, Addl. Deputy Commissioner Kathua, Sh. Atul Gupta (District Nodal Officer) briefed the […]